Find out about Canarship’s shipping consignment, tramp trade, project cargo and other offshore and integrated logistics services.
Find out about Canarship’s shipping consignment, tramp trade, project cargo and other offshore and integrated logistics services.
Find out about all Romchart’s shipping and chartering services specialising in project cargo and other special freight.
Find out about Romeu y Cía, a shipping agent specialised in chartering all kinds of ships and freight with connections in the main ports.
Find out about Unimed, a shipping agent specialised in chartering all types of ships and freight with a presence in North Africa.
Tramp trade is a shipping mode which consists of contracting a tramp vessel to perform one or more services. These tramp freighters do not have regular lines or cargoes, which means they can be fully adapted to the needs of each cargo.
The tramp trade is also known as the irregular market, since unlike the regular market in which all the details of departures, arrivals, routes, stops, etc. are known, in the tramp trade there is no scheduled frequency but rather the service is delivered on demand. Tramp chartering is a very common type of shipping within national borders, often used to connect archipelagos or between islands and to provide off-shore services.
We have staff specialised in this type of chartering who will find the vessel that best suits your cargo’s needs whether chartered by voyage or by time.
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